French Linen Tea Towel

    Emma Pyle Art Emma Pyle Art French Linen Tea Towel


    • French Linen Tea Towel
      • French Linen Tea Towel

      Emma Pyle Art

      Emma Pyle Art French Linen Tea Towel


      Winter themed French linen tea towels, art by Emma Pyle, Apples , vintage sled, snowman art by Canadian artist

      Product description

      French Stone Washed Linen with art by Emma Pyle Art

      Linen is an ancient fibre and gets softer with each wash. These towels have mitered corners for a very finished look.

      Measure 23 by 28 " or 59 by 70cm

      Fully machine washable. Ironing can harm the properties of linen so hanging to dry is recommended.


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